Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 2 - Monday, May 7th

Trying to sleep on the floor of the airport was horrible.  I tried really hard to go to sleep, but I couldn't get over the freezing cold!

The TAM counter was supposed to open at 3:45am, but it was more like 5am when we finally were able to start getting checked in.  We are finally off to security around 5:30 and I am really needing some Starbucks at this point - and Starbucks isn't my favorite coffee!

The TSA agent who "pre-checks" your boarding pass and passport was super nice!  I thought, wow, this guy was nice, especially at 5:30 in the morning!  I make my way to put my shoes on the conveyor belt and remember to put my money and ALL the contents of ALL pockets into the bin they give you.  Would you BELIEVE that I received the "special" pat down AGAIN????  Seriously?  I'm trying really hard to be patient here.  But again, really?  Ok. 

We get to the gate and meet members from the church in Florida that will be going with us.  One gentleman, 82 years old, had to go home.  Somehow between northern Florida and Miami he had lost his passport!  Can you imagine?  Losing your passport?  Poor guy....

I took this opportunity to call Rob and my boys.  I spoke to everyone and gave kisses and encouragement.  The last thing I said to my husband was, "Honey, I want you to pray about this.  I think we are supposed to adopt."  SILENCE and then, "Okkkkkaayyy."  I say, "Honey, I love you.  All I'm asking is that you pray about it.  Really pray about it.  That's all I'm asking."

After what seems like forever, we board the plane.  Something kinda strange happened.  When the flight attendants were coming down the aisle, they were all speaking Portuguese.  Interesting.  I thought, we are in Miami folks and I speak English, I have no idea what you are saying! LOL

The flight to Manaus, Brazil is 5 hours.  That's a pretty long flight, seeing my only other long flights have been to California.  I started to get antsy.  Five hours is a long time to be confined to the seat.  4 hours into the flight I had already taken 2 naps, read some of the Bible, journal some and read some of my book.  It seemed like I was the only one NOT sleeping!   

We arrived into Manauas.  Let me tell you - this place had an airplane grave site!  Not the picture of comfort when you know you will be leaving this place on a 767 in about 12 days!  We deplaned.  Customs was a joke and infuriating all at the same time!  Of course, they separated us by foreigner and national.  It took us over an hour to get through!  All they did was look at my passport for the visa, ask how many days I planned on staying and that was it!  Me, being so informed about international travel, thought this was "it".  Oh no....it took at least another 40 minutes to get the luggage.  Then we had to get in line for the "real" customs.  Oh, how I hate to stand around!  I am a "do-er" and people who like to do, do not like to stand around! LOL

We finally made it past customs:

Here is another first:

We made it!  I felt so relieved that we made it!

We got to the boat - I have no idea what time.  I didn't bring my phone and I didn't bring a watch.  Didn't think I would really need one!  I have some pictures of the boat that I will post tomorrow.  Can't wait to show you! 

We ate lunch - interesting, but very good!  They had alot more than I had envisioned!  It was not just rice and beans.  There are some pics of the food that I will load as well!    I took a nap while some others went to some shoppes up the hill.  I had NO INTEREST in shopping!  I just wanted to sleep!  That was the best nap ever!

We hung out for awhile and when everyone was back, we got to work sorting out all the different medications.  We had to put all the like meds with the like meds as they all were jumbled around during travel.  I was relieved to finally be doing something!  I felt like I got to Brazil and it was like, ok, WAIT, we are on Brazil time now!

We were all beat.  We needed to rest.  After a very simple dinner of sandwiches, our pastor, Keith, pictured with me above, de-briefed with us and gave us some encouragement for the days to come. 

I am journaling while waiting for the shower so I can go to bed!  3 hours of sleep in over 24 hours was more than I could handle!


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