Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Coming together

It is amazing to me how much things can change in just a week!  I think it has alot to do with perspective as well.This Experiencing God has been really really stretching me.  It is so hard to talk with God and not just at Him.  I've been doing alot of talking at Him.  I have also been trying to do everything I can to make sure this all works out....including...wait for it....worrying!

Yesterday, during the study, I came across something very simple - What God has purposed to do, he will complete.  It was like a light bulb went off!  Duh!  I know this - why am I freaking out? After I thought over this for awhile, all of my worry has been lifted.  I am so much more relaxed than I thought I would be.  One example - I have been checking the Brazilian consulate website everyday - they received my visa application at 10:49 am last Wednesday. It was showing as "received".  I had started to think - wow, this is going to take awhile!  So, yesterday afternoon it went from "received" to "ready for pickup"!  Ok, no "in process" - "approved", just straight from received to ready for pickup!  Pretty cool!

I have an official meeting for the trip tonight, which I am really excited about because I will get to meet the other people going on this trip.  I am also excited to get some more details. 

Donation status - Last Friday, a friend at work, who is 8 months pregnant, handed me a check.  I was floored!  I struggled with taking it because I know she wants to stay home for awhile after the baby and I know they have been saving money for this time and I felt guilty that she thought I was worth such a large donation!  Then I remember something that I learned in my class - Don't deny someone an opportunity to participate in God's work., I took the money.  Another girl at work gave me a donation towards my trip on Friday as well.  Rob's mom also sent a check - which I received on Friday!  I turned in all the money that I had on Sunday.  Another shocker - a gentleman that i work with walked into my office yesterday and said, I would like to donate towards your trip and handed me a $20 bill.  That was really sweet of him.  I have been surprised by the donations I have received from the people at my work.  Pleasantly surprised, and humbled, but surprised none the less.  I still don't know if I have received any donations sent directly to the church.  I'm trying to relax about it.  I really feel like God was telling me, "Relax.  I got this." AFTER I stopped talking at him and stopped to listen for Him.

Things are coming together.  The nanny is set to be home on Saturday the 5th from JMU.  She is going to be helping Rob and my mom while I am away.  It worked out perfectly.  All the paperwork is done, all the travel arrangements are done.  The only thing I have not done is pack and go see my PCP.  I got anti-malaria medicine from Patient First, but I am thinking I want to take something else after reading the side effects.  Other than that, it is just time to wait. 

For those who know me, you know how I LOVE to wait.....

11 DAYS!

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